The Reality Of Adult Acne

The appearance of acne during adulthood can be surprising. Skin conditions caused by overproduction of oil are usually associated with puberty, but dermatologists are finding that it is becoming increasingly common in adult women. Some studies have shown that more than half of women develop adult acne in their twenties, while nearly 40% encounter it in their thirties. It was reported that an estimate 50% of women struggle with adult acne at one point in their lives. Why is this the case?

What are the causes?

There are various factors that contribute to adult acne, but whether it erupts in your teens or in your adult years, the definition is the same. An acne is a localized inflammation resulting from the over activity of oil glands. Changes in hormones often affect oil glands, such as the end of a menstrual cycle, the onset of menopause, or discontinuing the intake of birth control pills.

An increase in stress levels can also cause breakouts because stress causes an increase in the cortisol hormone. The hormone androgen, a male hormone found both in men and women, can worsen acne because it stimulate oil glands and enhances pore blockage.

Some experience adult acne as a result of genetic disposition. Others experience it as a side effect of certain medications.

Types of acne
Oil, dead skin cells, or bacteria can clog pores. If the comedones are open, it is called a blackhead. If it is closed, they are known as whiteheads. Papules and pustules are the term for red bumps that are caused by inflammation in the hair follicles while nodules are the painful red bumps caused by the build up of oil secretions deep within hair follicles. Acne filled with pus is known as a cyst and it usually can cause scarring.

How to treat adult acne

The good news is that despite its being an unbecoming problem, it is completely treatable. There is a wide array of acne treatments in Singapore, including doctor-prescribed topical medications that can address the issue and oral medications for severe cases. Topical medications usually include retinoids while oral medications include antibiotics and anti-androgens such as contraceptive pills.

Other patients who prefer more natural routes try applying manuka honey, tea tree oil, and fruit acids as a gentler alternative.

Permanent solution

Patients who desire for a long-term solution can opt for professional treatments. At the Clinic, the Agnes treatment, which is a acne treatment in Singapore, that can be performed for patients who struggle especially with adult acne that recurs in the same general areas. Researchers in Japan have found that for many adult acne patients, it is the same few hundred or pores that are repeatedly getting blocked and are responsible for 80-90% of all the acne on the face.

The Agnes Treatment specifically targets acne prone follicles on the face using a magnifier. A very fine wire attached to the Agnes machine then introduces a tiny electrical current to the pore, zapping the oil-producing gland. This procedure will reduce the size of the gland and controls the amount of oil produced. The tedious process is then repeated until all the pores are treated. Simply put, without oil there is no pore blockage, and without pore blockage, there is no acne.

Each Agnes session only takes thirty minutes to complete, depending on the number of pimples. Patients will experience redness of the skin after the treatment, but it lasts for only a day. A second session is necessary the following day to get rid of the dead cells from the pores. It is a no-pain treatment.

Results speak for itself

There is a 50-70% decrease of the acne breakout after the first treatment and after the third, most patients report up to 90% clearance. A small touch up session after a year may be necessary to continue with the positive results.

The Agnes Treatment is an optimal solution for patients who prefer a long-term solution to their acne problem. It is also highly beneficial for pregnant women or patients with rosacea, who are often not qualified to avail traditional acne treatments in Singapore.

Patients who no longer want to religiously take or apply oral or topical medication may also want to consider the Agnes treatment.

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